Thursday, October 13, 2011

Birthday Party/Trip to Hurricane

Kathy made Devon's birthday cake. Because of Devon's allergies, Kathy had to use a cake mix that didn't have wheat in it and she also had to use egg replacers. The cake still tasted great, and I couldn't tell any difference. I can't believe my little boy is 4 years old! In the picture where he's opening a gift, it is a Spongebob pillow pet that my grandma got for him. It is so cute and Devon loves it.

Elizabeth got into my suitcase and was trying to buckle herself into it when I was getting ready to pack. The kids and I went with Kathy down to Hurricane, UT to visit Bryce's sister, Crystal, and her family. Crystal just had a baby girl a few weeks ago. Her daughter, McKinlee, is holding baby Oakley in a picture.

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